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Program For The Elderly

Program for the Elderly

The elderly population is a quickly growing group of people. As the population continues to grow and inevitably, we all get older, the number of seniors grows, too. We are living longer, fuller, and healthier lives. It is important to keep our seniors active and healthy for as long as they can be. It is much easier to sit in the house in front of the television and waste away, but there is so much more available for the elderly now. There are many group homes which become a place where the elderly can socialize and find friends their own age. It is common for the elderly to slip in to a depression as they age and begin to lose loved ones. There are many ways to keep the elderly active and engaged and remind them of all the great things available to them.


There are many programs for the elderly that are available, but may vary a bit depending on the area in which the elderly person lives. An art therapy program is a great program for the elderly because it helps them improve communication while being relaxing. It also allows them to feel as though they are in control and gives them room to be funny and playful. It can improve their cognition and provide sensory stimulation while they are having fun and doing something they enjoy.


A community garden is a great program for the elderly because it allows them to plant seeds, watch them grow and enjoy the fruit, vegetables, or flowers as a result. Many seniors often enjoy planting but when they participate in a community garden, they are able to be social and have a common interest with others. If flowers do not excite the senior, maybe cooking will. It is fun to learn new ways and foods to cook, especially when you feel like you are making the same things all the time. This gives seniors a chance to learn new foods and meet new people. It may become a way to find people to cook and eat with regularly.


Dance classes and water aerobics are great for seniors. These are ways for seniors to move and maintain mobility in a low impact and fun way. Water aerobics gives resistance training to seniors in a way that is easy on the joints and it is fun in the process. It is also a way to meet new people. Dancing is another way that seniors can stay in shape. It has also been proven that dancing can help improve cognition, which is great for this age group that is often diagnosed with dementia.


Game or puzzle days with family and friends are a good way to make sure you spend time with your elderly loved one while helping to improve or maintain their mental awareness. Puzzles and games help keep the mind sharp. Joining a social group is a great way for seniors to stay in contact with others in their own age group. These groups could play golf, read books, walk, and various other activities. Or they could join a group specific to seniors that also gives them discounts on activities. These social groups also give seniors the opportunity to go on trips together. They may be able to go places together at a discount and see new things or travel to different areas. There are often bus trips and programs available for senior travel groups.

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